Fermentis Safbrew T-58 Dry Beer Yeast
Fermentis SafAle T-58 is a Belgian ale yeast, selected for its spicy, estery flavor profile, typical of Belgian and Trappist style ales. It is known for its high sedimentation, which helps in achieving clear beer.
Recommended Fermentation Temperature: The recommended fermentation temperature for T-58 is 18-26°C (65-79°F).
Attenuation: SafAle T-58 exhibits medium attenuation, typically in the range of 72-78%.
Alcohol Tolerance: The yeast has a good alcohol tolerance of about 9-11%, allowing it to be used in a variety of high-alcohol Belgian style beers.
Suitable Beer Styles: T-58 is suitable for brewing a wide range of Belgian ale styles, including but not limited to:
- Belgian Specialty Ales
- Belgian Dubbel and Tripel
- Belgian Blonde
- Belgian Golden Strong Ale
- Saison
- Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer (due to its spicy character)
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